Male rings are old
Jewelry for the people of the age of the Snake (Age of Snake) People of the age of the wise and patient, know how to observe and wait, very discreet, calm, conservative, and mysterious.
The snake appears in the Bible (Bible) Right in the book “Genesis” at the beginning of the day is assigned the name of temptation, because the temptation has borrowed the snake’s image to tempt Eva to eat the forbidden fruit and Eva again For Adam to eat, Adam and Eve were disgraced from this point of starting the humanity to rediscover their happiness, their true happiness is Love (BC) The rest is the symbol when the Iraqis escape when the earth Egypt and go into the desert, God punished the people who did not believe when they gave the snakes bite them, And when Moses asked for God now the snake was a symbol of salvation. People bitten by snakes when looking at a COPPER SNAKE figure hanging from a pillar are saved.
And solid jewelry also comes from many different sources and areas. as commandments in Egyptian culture. The Pharaons always worship the snake as Pharaon’s golden thorn guardian god. India also has etc. ,,,
But today 3D Jewelry Craft introduces the old male ring (snake male ring), which is one of the 12 mascots chosen to make jewelry with the desire to bring good luck and goodness to people. like Israel, like Pharaon ….
The old male ring is designed and crafted on the latest 3D technology today with precise and sophisticated lines to every mm. together with natural ruby gemstones is one of the most popular gemstones because of its high rigidity, because it carries a lot of energy according to the radiologists who proved it.
Product type: Men’s ring age
Crafted type: 18k gold aged male ring with natural ruby gemstone
Size (Diameter) 18 mm
Gold type: 18K Gold (75% Au)
Gold weight: 4.9 only
Yellow: Yellow West
Gem type: Natural Ruby Gem
Number of stones: 03 tablets
Stone colors; Red purple
Warranty for male Ring age: 1 year
3D design and manipulation
Scope of sale: Nationwide
Male rings are old
But today 3D Jewelry Craft introduces the old male ring (snake male ring), which is one of the 12 mascots chosen to make jewelry with the desire to bring good luck and goodness to people. like Israel, like Pharaon ….
The old male ring is designed and crafted on the latest 3D technology today with precise and sophisticated lines to every mm. together with natural ruby gemstones is one of the most popular gemstones because of its high hardness, because it carries a lot of energy according to proven radiologists.
Men’s ring is old, male ring is rusty, Snake’s age is golden
But today 3D Jewelry Craft introduces the old male ring (snake male ring), which is one of the 12 mascots chosen to make jewelry with the desire to bring good luck and goodness to people. like Israel, like Pharaon ….

The old male ring is designed and crafted on the latest 3D technology today with precise and sophisticated lines to every mm. together with natural ruby gemstones is one of the most popular gemstones because of its high hardness, because it carries a lot of energy according to proven radiologists.
Men’s ring is old, male ring is rusty, Snake’s age is golden
But today 3D Jewelry Craft introduces the old male ring (snake male ring), which is one of the 12 mascots chosen to make jewelry with the desire to bring good luck and goodness to people. like Israel, like Pharaon ….
The old male ring is designed and crafted on the latest 3D technology today with precise and sophisticated lines to every mm. together with natural ruby gemstones is one of the most popular gemstones because of its high hardness, because it carries a lot of energy according to proven radiologists.
Men’s ring is old, male ring is rusty, Snake’s age is golden
But today 3D Jewelry Craft introduces the old male ring (snake male ring), which is one of the 12 mascots chosen to make jewelry with the desire to bring good luck and goodness to people. like Israel, like Pharaon ….
The old male ring is designed and crafted on the latest 3D technology today with precise and sophisticated lines to every mm. together with natural ruby gemstones is one of the most popular gemstones because of its high hardness, because it carries a lot of energy according to proven radiologists.
Men’s ring is old, male ring is rusty, Snake’s age is golden
The old male ring design on demand, 10k 12k gold 14k 18k at the request of the customer, you can place rings according to your armor
See also: The old pendant
But today 3D Jewelry Craft introduces the old male ring (snake male ring), which is one of the 12 mascots chosen to make jewelry with the desire to bring good luck and goodness to people. like Israel, like Pharaon ….
The old male ring is designed and crafted on the latest 3D technology today with precise and sophisticated lines to every mm. and the natural ruby gemstone is one of the most popular gemstones because of its high rigidity, because it carries a lot of energy according to proven radiologists.
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